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What would happen if New Mexico interfered with water deliveries from the Rio Grande to Texas?

 If New Mexico interfered with water deliveries from the Rio Grande to Texas, several significant legal, economic, and environmental consequences could arise: ### Legal Consequences 1. **Violation of the Rio Grande Compact**: The Rio Grande Compact, an agreement signed in 1938 between Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas, governs the allocation of water from the Rio Grande. If New Mexico interferes with water deliveries, it would be violating this interstate compact, potentially leading to legal action by Texas. 2. **Supreme Court Intervention**: Interstate water disputes fall under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Supreme Court. Texas could file a lawsuit against New Mexico, and the Supreme Court could issue rulings enforcing the compact terms and potentially imposing penalties on New Mexico. 3. **Federal Government Involvement**: The federal government might intervene, especially if the interference affects federally managed water projects or treaties with Mexico regarding water deliveries

What are some challenges of skiing at this time of year in Colorado?

 Skiing in Colorado during late June can present several challenges due to the transition from winter to summer. Here are some key challenges skiers might face:

1. **Variable Snow Conditions**: As temperatures rise, snow conditions can become highly variable. In the early morning, the snow might be firm and icy, while by midday, it can turn to slush. This makes skiing more challenging and can increase the risk of falls and injuries.

2. **Limited Terrain**: Many ski resorts in Colorado close by late spring, so finding open terrain can be difficult. Resorts that do stay open may have limited runs and fewer lifts operating, reducing the variety of skiing options available.

3. **Weather Changes**: Late June can bring unpredictable weather, including sudden storms or warm spells. This unpredictability can affect visibility and make conditions on the slopes less stable and safe.

4. **Glacial and Rock Exposure**: As the snow melts, glaciers and rocks may become exposed, posing hazards to skiers. These obstacles can be hard to see and can lead to accidents if skiers are not careful.

5. **Crowds and Events**: If a resort remains open, it might attract large crowds, including tourists and summer visitors, which can lead to congested slopes and longer lift lines. Additionally, resorts might host summer events, which can interfere with skiing activities.

6. **Higher Altitudes**: Skiing at higher altitudes can be more demanding on the body due to thinner air and can lead to altitude sickness, especially for those not acclimated. This is a consideration throughout the season but can be more noticeable during summer as skiers might combine skiing with other high-altitude summer activities.

7. **Ski Maintenance**: Warm and wet snow conditions can cause more wear and tear on ski equipment. Skis might need more frequent waxing and edge sharpening to handle the variable snow conditions effectively.

Despite these challenges, skiing in late June can still be enjoyable with proper preparation and by staying informed about current conditions and resort offerings.


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